How To Make A Video Game
Even if you're poor
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-=[ Disclaimer ]=-
Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, Miles "Tails" Prower the Fox, Robotnik and all related characters are (C) Sega of America, Sega Enterprises, etc. MegaMan, ProtoMan, Dr. Wily, Dr. Light and all related characters are (c) Capcom of America, Capcom of Japan, etc. All games made by Takeshi Studios are Fan-Made games for Fans, and all are freeware. We do not make any profit off of these games whatsoever, nor do we intend to. All of the music used in our games are rightfully copywrighted by their original composers. No portion of this HTML coding, graphics, etc. may be used without the exclusive permission of the Takeshi Studios staff. Thank you.