SonicMiX Sector Logo
Last update: 10-18-98 (11:12 AM)

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If you don't have a RA Player, go here to get one.
No MP3 player, either? Visit this site.
Or better yet, if you're a PC Windows user..
here's something that opens both, and much more.


_/) SonicMiX 1 - [ra] [mp3]

_/) SonicMiX 2 - [ra]

_/) SonicMiX 3 - [ra]

_/) SonicMiX 4 - [ra] [mp3] - added -

_/) SubSonicMiX - [ra]

_/) They Call Me The King
      of the Ring - [ra] - added -

_/) ArrowMiX 1 - [mp3] - added -

NOTE: Each of the SonicMiXes you see on this site were put together by none other than yours truly. I don't mind if you download and pass 'em on, since I got the music that I made them with for free from various sites, but give me credit for putting them together. For instance, if you pass it on in a mail, mention me or (what I'd really appreciate) my site. If you put it up on your web page, would a link be so much to ask in return? It's not as easy as you think to make these, but I have fun doin' it, and I hope you all like 'em. Later. -Razor

P.S.: As a little extra note, the "A-MiX" (ArrowMiX) is a MiX of two of Arrow's grand Sonic and Sonic-based MiDis.


1,180 people saw this site before the last update (September 22nd, 11:24 PM, 1997), and here's how many have visited it thus far: bum

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